Anatomy Nights - Matters of the Heart
At ASCUS we are delighted to partner with 'Anatomy@Edinburgh' at the University of Edinburgh to bring you Anatomy Nights - Matters of the Heart this Valentines Day. What are the heart strings? Where is the hole in your heart? How does the blood circulate? See it all before your eyes with a talk from an expert anatomists and cardiovascular science researchers in Summerhall. This is part of a UK wide event where hearts are going to be simultaneously dissected in 5 different locations across the UK!Anatomy Nights - Matters of the Heart6:00-8:00pm, Wednesday 14th Feb 2018This Valentine's day we have an excellent chance for you to learn all about the inside of a heart from experts in heart anatomy and cardiovascular science. You will be taken on a guided tour of this remarkable organ through a live dissection of an animal heart, and you will see how blood enters the heart, understand how it beats, and learn how it can change due to lifestyle factors. After the dissection there will be the opportunity to get hands-on and have a go at dissecting a heart yourself (or just watch if you prefer) followed by a Q&A session! Our cardiovascular researchers will then guide you through some hands-on microscopy in ASCUS Lab, showing you different images of the heart relating to current research into heart health and disease at The British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence at the University of Edinburgh.Note: this event includes live dissection and tissue samples from mice provided by cardiovascular scientists conducting scientific research into human health[divider][one_half]PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY[/one_half][one_half_last]IN SUPPORT OF[/one_half_last][one_fourth]
The Anatomical Society[/one_fourth][one_fourth]
The University of Edinburgh[/one_fourth][one_fourth]
The British Heart Foundation Scotland[/one_fourth][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last][divider]