ASCUS Presents: Silent Signal Film Screening

At ASCUS we are deligthed to partner with Animate Projects and the Wigtown Book Festivalto present Silent Signal for their Big Bang Weekend 2018. From Frankenstein’s monster to the future of AI and from outer space to the inside of the brain – The Big Bang Weekend explores the mechanics of life and we are taking part!ASCUS Presents: Silent Signal Film Screening9-10pm, Fri 2nd Feb 2018[two_third]Join ASCUS Art & Science at the Big Bang Weekend, for a screening of Silent Signal, a series of animations made in collaboration with scientists, then hear The Bookshop Band as they perform a cabaret of science-themed music and readings. This free event is taking place between 9-10pm on Friday 2nd February in The Print Room at Wigtown, Scotland’s National Book Town. This will be the second Big Bang Weekend – the one in 2017 was dedicated to the role of women in science. The event is run by Wigtown Festival Company, organisers of the annual Wigtown Book Festival, as part of its year round initiative. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last][divider]

Event Details

[one_fourth]When: [/one_fourth][three_fourth_last]6:30-8:30pm, Friday 2nd February[/three_fourth_last][one_fourth]Where: [/one_fourth][three_fourth_last]The Print Room, Wigtown[/three_fourth_last][one_fourth]Price:[/one_fourth][three_fourth_last]FREE[/three_fourth_last][one_fourth]Registration:[/one_fourth][three_fourth_last] REGISTER HERE[/three_fourth_last]If for reasons outside your control you have registered and are no longer able to make it then please make sure to cancel your registration so that someone else can take your space.[divider]


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